Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Check this out...

Gives new meaning to the title "Dishwasher," doesn't it. This is my mom's dog, Willie Pugensen. He is a pug. Obviously. But this isn't really what I wanted to show you. I just thought this was a funny picture. Here is what I really wanted to show you...
You're going to have to stay tuned because my son and I are going to turn this into something really awesome. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Its chocolate cake. Its awesome enough as it is. How can it get any more awesome?" Well, its going to. Hopefully. That's the plan. Maybe I better ask you to keep your fingers crossed just in case. Can't hurt to have all your bases covered. In the mean time, I'm just going to go ahead and give you this chocolate cake recipe.
Chocolate Cake
(adapted from epicurios.com)

1 c. boiling water

3/4 c. cocoa powder
2 oz. melted bittersweet chocolate
1/2 c. yogurt or sour cream
1 c. butter

2  c. sugar

4 eggs, separated

1 tsp. vanilla
2  c. flour

1 1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

You're going to need 4 mixing bowls for this. Yikes!! Don't worry. It isn't as laborious as it may sound. First things first. Set your oven to 350. Melt your chocolate and set it aside to cool. In one mixing bowl, whisk together your dry ingredients. In another mixing bowl, with an electric mixer, on medium speed, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. In yet another mixing bowl, mix the cocoa powder and the boiling water. In your last mixing bowl, with an electric mixer, mix together the butter and sugar. When it is thoroughly combined add the egg yolks and vanilla. Mix until well combined then add the melted chocolate. Once again, yep, you got it, mix until well combined then slowly add the cocoa powder/water mixture. Add about 1/3 of the flour mixture and mix. Then add half the yogurt. I bet you're going to see the pattern here. Add another third of the flour mixture, the last of the yogurt and then the last of the flour. I'll put it more simply for you just in case all that confused you. It goes like this. flour*yogurt*flour*yogurt*flour. I baked my cakes in 2 8 1/2 x 11 rectangle baking pans. You can use 2 8 or 9 inch circle pans if you wish. That will work just as well. Bake for 40 - 50 minutes.  And thats it in a mixing bowl...Ha!!! I know. Totally cheesy. Just humor me and laugh anyways.

Chocolate Buttercream Frosting

1 c. butter

4 c. powdered sugar

1/4 c. cream (or milk)

1/4 c. cocoa powder

3 oz. bittersweet chocolate, melted.

In a large mixing bowl, with an electric mixer, on medium speed, cream the butter. Start adding the powdered sugar, one cup at a time. Keep on mixing with your electric mixer until the frosting is white. This can take up to 10 minutes depending on the strength of your mixer. I use a stand mixer for this. When your frosting is white and fluffy add the milk. Then add the cocoa powder. When the cocoa powder is well combined stir in the melted chocolate. Use a wooden spoon to stir it in. It works best. This makes enough frosting to fill and frost the above cake.

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